General Rules
1. Track official's decision will be final. We cannot make the rules fit everyone's needs and desires. So if you run, please be willing to go by the rules as outlined.
2. The first (3) cars in all divisions must cross scales after the race. Also, the first (3) cars are subject to P&G and any other form of tech at Wartburg Speedway's discretion.
3. Prize money will not be held for anyone. It must be picked up the night it's earned by driver only. No exceptions.
4. Must be 14 years of age or older to compete. You may be required to submit a copy of your birth certificate.
5. Anyone caught drinking, using marijuana, or controlled substances will be suspended. First offense the next race, second offense the next 2 races, third offense suspended for one season. All drivers are subject to a breath test. Any driver or pit crew caught drinking alcoholic beverages at any
race meet will automatically forfeit any prize money said car has won and points for that race meet.
6. Fighting at the track - First offense for anyone fighting in the pits will be suspended up to 3 races plus must pay a $500 fine before returning to Wartburg Speedway as a driver, a crew member or as a spectator. If the driver is involved, 12 driver points will be deducted. Second offense carries a suspension of up to 4 weeks and subject to paying a $1000 fine and 22 driver points if driver is involved. A third offense carries a minimum of a 1 year suspension and up to a lifetime ban depending on the circumstances. Any driver or pit crewmember that enters another driver's pit area will be deemed the aggressor.
7. Putting your hands on a track official will result in a DQ and banned, race director will determine how long.
8. The aggressor or aggressors will receive the suspension.
9. Drivers should be aware that they will be held responsible for all members of their race team.
10. In the event of any Felony conviction of a driver or car-owner, the disciplinary action will be indefinite suspension from Wartburg Speedway beginning with the date of the conviction, or the date of the completion of any incarceration subsequent to said conviction, whichever date shall last occur. In the event the conviction is Drug Related, that person may be subject to a Drug Test before returning to competition.
11. Nothing shall prohibit the race director from administering any penalty, including immediate removal from the premises or permanent suspension of track privileges to driver, owner or pit crew member whose conduct represents a threat to the orderliness of track operations or the safety of others.
12. Any driver who enters grandstand area and /or proceeds to enter without an invitation and conducts him or herself in an unsportsmanlike manner may be suspended.
13. An adult must accompany children in the pit area at all times. All children must stay clear of the scale area at all times. Drivers, pit crew members, and spectators in the pit area, it is your responsibility to know where your children are at all times. Failure to do so could result in loss of pit privileges.
14. Any unnecessary roughness on race track, the race will stopped and the person or persons will be put into the pits.
15. To be the official leader of the race you must have completed the last complete green lap.
16. Any car for which the yellow flag is displayed for must restart in the rear.
17. Any car or cars caught illegal receives no money.
18. Refusing to obey officials could result in laps taken away or suspended.
19. A driver going to the pits under yellow or red must go to the rear of the field.
20. Any driver that gets out of his or her car on the track under a caution or red flag will be put in the pits. Do not get out of your car unless you are prepared to go to the pits. The only time this rule will be excused is for safety reasons, fire, etc.
21. Driving in the pit area, it is the driver's responsibility to drive slow and under control at all times in pit area. Any driver that drives reckless or out of control at the discretion of official's could lose all pit privileges.
22. No work can be done on race cars on the track. All work on race cars must be done in pit area.
23. If a car sustains any damage on the race track that requires repairs, the car must go to the pits for the necessary repairs. Track officials or wrecker officials will not make repairs.
24. Any car that brings out the yellow flag 3 times must go to the pits.
25. Drivers can only drive in one division unless its a special event.
26. A race car can only compete in one local division per race night.
27. Drivers will be paid according to laps completed. The payoff on a red and checkered flag will be the same as a restart.
28. All cars are subject to inspection by track officials at any time. Any car that loses fuel cell is subject to a $500.00 fine.
29. Any driver caught competing or trying to compete in more than one local division per race event will forfeit any and all prize money and points for all races.
30. Drivers Only to draw and sign in for themselves. It is the responsibility of the driver to sign-in under the correct division and use his or her correct name. Driver's name competing must match the sign-in sheet. In the event of a driver change officials must be notified so sign-in sheet can be changed prior to the start of any competition of the drivers division. NO driver changes will be allowed in any division once competition for that division has started. Competition being Time trials and/or Heat races and/or Last Chance races and/or Feature race.
31. Any car that pulls into the pit and re-enters the track under green and stops will be automatically put back into the pits. This applies on starts and or restarts, therefore any car that leaves the track will only re-enter the track under a yellow flag
32. Track reserves the right to add weight to any car in order to offset any minor rule violations. Official's discretion will be utilized.
33. Top (3) cars will be checked at the scales.
34. Wartburg Speedway reserves the right to place drivers in the division most suited for them according to their performance level. This may require a driver to move up to the next division. Track also reserves the right to handicap.
35. No victory doughnuts after race if so It will result in an automatic DQ.
36. Pit boards, flashlights, and any other signaling devices will not be allowed.
37. All drivers entering race track from pits under green, yellow, or red must enter the race track on the front straightaway only. Do not enter the racetrack on the back straightaway or you will be black-flagged.
38. In the event of a driver intentionally hitting or running into someone's race car in hot laps, under caution or after the checkered flag in a local event will be disqualified for the night and will receive no money or points. The driver will be placed on probation for the remainder of the season but Wartburg Speedway has the right to ban the individual for as long as the track wants.
39. In the event a driver is suspended – that suspension will start at the next scheduled local event rain out do not count.
40. In the event of a low car count in a division, Wartburg Speedway reserves the right to amend, reschedule, postpone or delete a division with a low car count.
41. Anyone entering Wartburg Speedway must purchase a ticket if you do not purchase a ticket you may be banned indefinitely from all events at Wartburg Speedway.
42. Back Gate – after the race is complete and you receive the checkered flag all cars must enter the pits at the back straightaway pit gate and the top 5 go straight to the scales. Do Not Pass the back gate pit entrance and make an extra lap if you do, you may be penalized.
43. RaceCeivers will be mandatory at Wartburg Speedway. Race Ceivers will be required any time the car is on the race track.
Any driver winning three consecutive feature events will start no better than (6) sixth position in their next feature event. Missing the next event does not reset this rule. If the driver wins from sixth the starting position for the next event will be seventh and so on. This is only for weekly feature events.
All cars must pass tech before hot laps.
Points will be awarded as follows -
1st-100 2nd-90 3rd-85 4th-80 5th-75 6th-70 7th-65 8th-60 9th-55 10-50. Points are only awarded for the feature event.
45. Anyone entering the track (unless its their time to race) for any reason will face (suspension, fines and/or DQ).
1. At the discretion of the Race Officials, drivers may change cars at any time between qualifying and the start of the Main Feature. However, any change will result in the driver starting in the rear of his or her Heat race, Last Chance race and/or Feature race.
2. Drivers must notify the Race Officials of any desired change, so that Prize Money may be awarded correctly.
3. NOTE: For all races, once the field has been given the first green flag for a start, NO changes of car will be permitted, even if the start becomes void.
4. NO driver or class changes will be allowed in any division once competition has started. Competition being Time trials and/or Heat races and/or Last Chance races and/or Feature race.
1. All Traction Control Devices are strictly prohibited during any form of a Wartburg Speedway event, race or practice / test session.
2. Any traction control device utilizing wheel sensors or any means of measuring ground speed to control wheel spin are strictly prohibited.
3. Any remote controlled device inside or outside the cockpit of any competitor's racecar are strictly prohibited.
4. A competitor found with any of the above mentioned will lose the complete device permanently and will be disqualified and may be suspended.
5. There is a $300.00 claim rule on all ignition boxes.(See Claim Rule Section for more info.)
1. We will use the Raceceiver to command drivers when to go green. Flagman will throw the green flag simultaneously as the race directors command. This system will be used for all starts for heats, last chance and/or features.
2. The green light at the end of the front straightaway is under the control of the flagman and will be used on all starts.
3. After the " one lap to go " signal has been given, the field must maintain an orderly, controlled pace around to turn 3 and 4 with the front row running side by side. Provided that the lineup is good, the race will be started at some point within the red box painted on the turn 4 wall. The race will not start until the green flag is displayed and the green light is on
4. Anticipating the start or firing before the start will be considered a penalty and the offending driver or drivers will be put back one row.
5. In the event of a caution, before the first lap is complete, due to a multi car accident, the field will be lined-up for a complete restart in the original grid order, provided there are no penalties to be assessed. Any car that causes a yellow flag on their own after green drops will be sent to the rear of the field. Any car that goes off the track for any reason goes to the rear of the field.
1. All divisions will use the double file restarts on all Wartburg Speedway races.
2. When a caution flag occurs after the first lap is completed the cars will line back up single file. When officials conclude every car is in proper position, the signal will be given to the field and the leader will remain on the front row alone while the rest of the field will line up double file behind the leader. The second place driver will then have the inside or outside lane choice. The remainder of the field will then line up accordingly.
3. On double file re-starts the leader may start the race once he/she passes the green light in turn 3. If the leader fires before the green light a warning will be issued. A second offense would result in the leader being penalized to the rear of the field . The cars behind the leader must not change lanes until they pass the flag stand. Cars must not "lay back" in an attempt to get a roll or run on the cars in front of them.
4. Second (2nd) row cars cannot pull beside the leader until they pass the flag stand.
5. Any car that is judged to be jumping the start will be penalized one row. If the same car is judged to be jumping a second time in the same race, it will be penalized to the rear of the field.
6. Any driver who comes to a stop during the race, and in the opinion of the Officials, has done so deliberately to cause a re-start, will be put to the rear before the race is re-started
1. $300.00 to pull first head. (Heads, Intake, Carb, Bore & Stroke), $100.00 goes to the Track.
2. $400.00 Bottom End (Crank & Rods etc.), $100.00 to the Track. Must pull top end see 1.
3. May claim MSD Box for $300.00 or swap for $100.00 and exchange.
4. Top 5 cars can protest as long as their on the lead lap.
5. If you do not accept the protest, you loose points for that night and any winnings.
6. If you decline the protest twice you will have 2 weeks off.
7. All visual protests must be made before heat race and qualify. All other protests are after class feature only.
8. Visual protest $50 track keeps all money.
9. Protest may be filed and paid by driver only.
10. Protest must be filed and paid for when crossing scales.
11. Once a protest is filed and paid, the protest may NOT be taken back. Be sure before filing.
12. All protested cars will have 30 minutes to begin teardown. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.
13.Teardown needs to be completed in a timely manner.
14. ONLY Wartburg Speedway officials and the drivers will be permitted in the inspection area. Wartburg Speedway official's decision are final. If a definite determination cannot be made the evening of the race, said part or parts will be impounded until determined legal or illegal.
15.Anyone in the top 5 can P&G the winner for $100.
16.When protesting motor, you must start at top and work your way to bottom, if found illegal you get money back for bottom end and protest is over.
GREEN FLAG: Start the race.
YELLOW FLAG: Everyone slow down to a safe speed and follow the car you were behind the last green lap. You will be lined back up on the track where you were running, not the position that you are running.
RED FLAG: This flag means danger, stop as quickly as possible. Do not pass the flagman when this flag is displayed. The cars will be again lined up as they were running on the last green lap.
BLACK FLAG: This flag means pull into the pits.
LAP FLAG: Blue with a yellow stripe. Displayed to cars being lapped, must allow lead cars to pass. Cars must move to the low groove to let the lead cars by.
WHITE FLAG: One lap to go.
CHECKERED FLAG: Finish – the race is over.
Track reserves the right to delete, change, or amend rules in the interest of competition at any time. Wartburg speedway ALL RIGHTS RESERVED